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Roger Morgan-Grenville (live-streamed)

This special event is a collaboration by the Wee Three Indies that is being streamed live from Edinburgh so if you would like to attend ONLINE ONLY get your tickets here :)

Or if you would like to attend the event in-person then head over to The Edinburgh Bookshop webpage for their ticket info. You will the receive the details for how to watch the event a day or two before it goes live.

Hope to see you there!

More about the book:

Fed up with bleak headlines of biodiversity loss, Roger sets out on a 1,000-mile walk through a British spring to see whether there are reasons to be hopeful about the natural world. His aim is to match the pace at which the oak leaves emerge, roughly 25 miles north each day.

Fighting illness, blizzards and his own ageing body, he visits every main habitat between Lymington and Cape Wrath in an epic eight-week adventure, encountering, over and over again, the kindness of strangers and the inspiring efforts of those fighting heroically for nature.

With surprising conclusions throughout, what unfolds is both life-affirming and life-changing.

Roger was a soldier and helped set up the charity Help for Heroes. His previous books are Liquid Gold, Shearwater and Taking Stock.

Ticket link

16 November

Maggie O'Farrell

15 May

James Crawford